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As a performer, you know that feeling of excitement and anticipation when you step onto the stage or in front of the camera, ready to showcase your talent and passion.

But what happens when performance anxiety gets in the way?

You know that feeling of being frozen with anxiety, unable to fully connect with your performance or be present in the moment. You may feel self-conscious and unable to relax and be yourself when you perform.

But here's the thing: performance anxiety does not reflect your talent or skill level. It's normal to experience some anxiety as a performer.

Still, suppose it's interfering with your performance or causing you to avoid performing altogether.

In that case, it's likely a sign of deeper emotional conflicts or past trauma.

These emotional blocks or conflicts often operate subconsciously.

They may be related to past experiences of criticism, judgment, abandonment, or other forms of emotional pain.

So how do you overcome performance anxiety and stage fright?

One powerful tool is Neuro Somatic Reprocessing, a therapy that helps you identify the target memories causing your anxiety when performing.

These memories can be triggered by various stimuli - a thought, a visual cue, or a specific look in the audience.

Once you identify them, you can learn powerful techniques to help break through and release the old anxiety responses that are associated with them.

By processing the feelings, beliefs, and body sensations linked to these target memories, you can start to release the emotional blocks that have been holding you back.

As you work through these emotional conflicts and release the anxiety that has been holding you back, you'll be able to reconnect with the parts of you that feel more comfortable in your own skin and intimately connected to your talents, skills, and passion for performing.

Imagine feeling alive and fully immersed in your performance without any distractions or doubts holding you back.

If you're ready to overcome performance anxiety and start shining on stage, click below to set up a free session.

Let's begin the journey towards more tremendous success and fulfillment together!

The Climb to Peak Performance Starts with Your Mind

Still confused and frustrated? Let's schedule a call or gain clarity by asking me directly.
