Struggling with sports trauma, yips, performance anxiety, and bad habits?

I help athletes and performers crush performance plateaus, overcome mental barriers, and ascend to peak performance.

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Achieving peak performance in sports and life is like climbing a steep mountain

The ascent can be challenging, and the terrain is rough and demanding.

Suddenly, you may start to feel:

  • Tired of being in a performance slump and no matter what you do, success can’t be achieved.
  • Hopeless despite trying everything, from changing training regimens to watching tons of video advice on the internet, nothing seems to work.
  • Constantly choking during competitions and can’t shake the feeling of disappointment and failure.
  • Drained and constant performance disappointment is starting to take a toll on your mental and physical health.
  • Stuck in this never-ending cycle of performance slumps and bad habits.


It's not the setbacks that define us, but how we rise from them.

Learn how to minimize the hurdles and hazards and stop them from ruining your performance

Overcome panic attacks and stop them from stealing your spotlight           

Learn how to get back on track and stop the yips from holding you back   

Build a foundation for long-term success by learning to break bad habits and create good ones
